A Lawyer's Guide to Average Injury Settlements in North Carolina

A Lawyer's Guide to Average Injury Settlements in North Carolina

Raleigh Injury Attorney Explains Average Settlement Values for Accidents in North Carolina:

The most common question we receive from clients and potential clients is “how much do you think my injury is worth?” While there is no perfect formula or calculator for determining the value of an injury claim, experienced injury lawyers and law firms (like us) can use decades of experience, prior results, and our prior experience as insurance defense attorneys, to approximate case value. This guide reviews the factors and facts that influence settlement values in North Carolina as well as examples of settlements of injury cases.

Read more about North Carolina Personal Injury Law.

Factors Affecting Personal Injury Settlements in North Carolina

There are several factors that can affect the value of a personal injury settlement in North Carolina. Some of the most important factors include:

Severity of the Injury

The more severe the injury, the higher the settlement is likely to be. This is because more severe injuries typically require more medical treatment and may result in a longer recovery period.

The Extent of the Damages

The extent of the damages: The damages sustained in a personal injury case can include not only physical injuries, but also emotional distress, lost wages, and property damage. The more damages a person suffers, the higher their settlement is likely to be.

How Clear-Cut Liability (Fault) Is

In order to be awarded a settlement, the person bringing the lawsuit must prove that the other party was at fault for the injury. The more clear or obvious the fault, the higher the settlement is likely to be.

A Defendant’s Ability to Pay

The defendant’s ability to pay: The defendant’s ability to pay a settlement will also affect the value of the settlement. If the defendant has limited financial resources, the settlement may be lower.

How Much Insurance Coverage a Defendant Has

The greater the amount of insurance that has coverage for an accident, the more you may be able to receive from the accident. Insurance carriers do not like to pay policy limits for an injury, and it takes an experienced personal injury lawyer to negotiate a policy limits settlement.

Lawyer’s Negotiating Skills

The lawyer’s negotiation skills can also affect the value of the settlement. An experienced personal injury attorney can help negotiate a higher settlement on behalf of their client.

How Must Is My Personal Injury Claim Worth in North Carolina?

There’s no way to precisely value your claim, but an experienced personal injury attorney may be able to give you an approximate value based on their experiences and prior results in other cases. The value of your claim includes your economic damages like costs for medical treatment, lost wages, future medical care, paying for help you need around the home, and physical therapy.

To approximate a total case value, you can add up your total economic damages and then multiply that figure by 1.5 or 2 (for moderate injuries) to account for pain and suffering, which will give you a rough range of what a jury might award might be or how an insurance company could value your claim. For serious injuries with significant permanent injury, you might multiply your total economic damages by 4 or 5 for those severe cases. For incidents that “shock the conscience,” like car accidents involving drunk drivers, we have seen victims awarded damages 10x or more of their economic damages. In a recent drunk driving case, our team of car accident attorneys in Raleigh negotiated a settlement for our clients that was 13x their medical bills.

What Is the Average Settlement for a Personal Injury Claim in North Carolina?

Determining the average settlement for a North Carolina personal injury case is difficult because there are so many different types and severity of injuries. Personal injury settlements in North Carolina can range from a few thousand dollars to several million dollars, depending on the specific circumstances of the case. However, on average, personal injury settlements in North Carolina tend to fall within a certain range.

For example, settlements for minor injuries, such as bruises or sprains, may be in the range of $1,000 to $5,000. More serious injuries, such as fractures or severe lacerations, may result in settlements of $10,000 to $50,000.

Severe injuries, such as spinal cord injuries or traumatic brain injuries, may result in settlements of $100,000 to $1 million or more. These types of injuries often require extensive medical treatment and may result in long-term disability or a reduced quality of life. In cases involving wrongful death, settlements may be in the range of $500,000 to $5 million or more, depending on the circumstances.

Examples of Personal Injury Settlements in North Carolina

To give you a better idea of the types of personal injury settlements that are typical in North Carolina, here are a few examples from cases our firm handled:

Example #1: Pedestrian Accident

A pedestrian was struck by a car while crossing the street in an unmarked crosswalk. The pedestrian suffered back injury and required surgery. The settlement in this case was $400,000.

Example #2: Motor Vehicle Accident

A man was involved in a car accident that was caused by another driver’s negligence. He suffered a concussion, whiplash, and back injuries. The settlement in this case was $250,000.

Example #3: Slip and Fall at an Auto Repair Shop

A man was injured at an auto repair shop and fell into a service pit. He suffered a brain hemorrhage and permanent loss of his cognitive functions. The settlement in this case was $1.8 million.

Example #4: Drunk Driving Accident Caused by a Wedding Venue

A woman was involved in a car accident that was caused by a drunk driver. She suffered a traumatic internal injuries and required extensive medical treatment. The settlement in this case was $1.02 million.

Schedule a Free Case Evaluation With Raleigh Our Injury Lawyers to Determine the Value of Your Case

Schedule a Free Case Evaluation With Raleigh Our Injury Lawyers to Determine the Value of Your Case

It is important to note that each case is different, and the specific laws and regulations that apply will depend on the circumstances of the accident. If you have been involved in a hit and run car accident in North Carolina, it is important to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Raleigh, NC who can help you understand your legal options and pursue the compensation you deserve.

Raleigh Injury Attorney Explains Average Settlement Values for Accidents in North Carolina: